Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome from Sue

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin we would like to ask you a few questions.

    • Disclaimer

    • BTG Chapter 7: The Somatosensory System Introdction

    • Introduction Objectives

    • Downloadable Transcript used to follow along with the video

    • Introduction

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    The Nervous System

    • Objectives for the Overview of the Nervous System

    • Downloadable Transcript used to follow along with the video

    • Overview of the Nervous system

    • Reading: Potential self-regulatory mechanisms of yoga for psychological health.

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    Input Dictates Output

    • Objectives: Input Dictates Output

    • Downloadable Transcript used to follow along with the video

    • Input Dictates Output

    • Reading: Clinical Understanding of Spasticity: Implications for Practice

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    Nervous System: Pain

    • Objectives: How the Central Nervous System Recives Pain Information

    • Downloadable Transcript used to follow along with the video

    • Pain and The Nervous System

    • Reading: Individual Differences in Pain: Understanding the Mosaic that Makes Pain Personal

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    Pain and Training

    • Objectives: Pain and Training

    • Downloadable Transcript used to follow along with the video

    • Pain and Training

    • Reading: Motor Adaptations to Pain during a Bilateral Plantarflexion Task: Does the Cost of Using the Non-Painful Limb Matter?

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    Functional Training

    • Objectives: Functional Training

    • Downloadable Transcript used to follow along with the video

    • Functional Training: DST

    • Reading: Attractive Gait Training: Applying Dynamical Systems Theory to the Improvement of Locomotor Performance Across the Lifespan

  • 7


    • Objectives: Conclusions

    • Downloadable Transcript used to follow along with the video

    • Conclusions

    • Before you go...

    • Quiz: The Nervous System

    • Course Completion Message

    • Thank You!

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    Supplemental Material

    • Live Q&A done surrounding the course to you to enhance your understanding of the overall topic